Tulsa TechFest 2008, Day One
Tulsa TechFest 2008 kicked off today at the OSU Campus in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This year saw a big upswing in attendance with over 800 registrations – if this keeps up, David Walker will have to take over the entire campus to make room for everyone. There are 17 different tracks, covering everything from eMarketing to SharePoint; naturally, I’m on the SharePoint Nation track, along with Corey Roth, Michael Lotter, Dennis Bottjer, Jim Hudson and Richard Oltmann.
The day started with Corey talking about partial trust in SharePoint. We then broke for lunch and I hosted a Birds of a Feather session on SharePoint with lots of good questions from attendees. After that I talked about high performance SharePoint development and Michael Lotter closed the day with a presentation on custom application pages. All the sessions were full and the audience was engaged and inquisitive. All in all a good day’s worth of free education.
Unfortunately, this year’s event did not coincide with the Tulsa Oktoberfest, which, considering the fools Steve Walker and I made of ourselves last year, is probably for the best. I hung out a bit with my fellow Texans from IDA Architects then turned in early – having hit the road at 5am to drive in from Fort Worth left me dead tired. Tomorrow starts with a presentation from Dennis on SharePoint performance for admins and architects.
Now, if they would only stop tearing up the streets outside the hotel, perhaps I could actually get some sleep…
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