The End of a MacBook Era
A lot of people have noticed that I’ve ditched my MacBook Pro in favor of a Dell Latitude. I’ve posted a lot about my trials and tribulations with the MacBook here, here, here and here. I loved my MBP but there are a number of reasons why I had to ditch it in favor of […]
Wandering in the Mac Wilderness (or My Afternoon in the Apple Store)
I know, I know…all this Macintosh stuff is completely off-topic for a SharePoint blog but I just had to get something off my chest here – just delete this one if you don’t dance to the Mac groove. Despite my ranting about how incensed I am over the two-steps back "updates" to the current MacBook […]
Note to Apple – Thanks for Nothing
Although most of the buzz coming out of Apple’s WWDC 2009 conference is regarding the new iPhone 3G S, they also made some announcements regarding a revamped line of Macbook Pro’s. Unfortunately, the news is really no news at all for 15 and 17-inch users. As I write this, I’m connected to my blog via […]
8GB of RAM in a Unibody Macbook Pro? Yes, but…
I know all this Mac stuff is off-topic for SharePoint readers but I get a lot of comments from other Mac users here so I thought I would post my experiences on a confusing topic. When I bought the new Unibody Macbook Pro back in October I did so with the hope that I would […]
I’m a Mac AND a PC
I’ve been chronicling my adventures switching from a Tablet PC to a Macbook Pro over the last few months here, here, here and here. After using Mac OS for a few weeks now, I have come to realize that I am technologically bipolar – I’m both a Mac AND a PC. There are some things […]
Early Impressions of the New MacBook Pro
Since I’m all into this Mac thing now, quite a few people have asked me for my impressions of the new unibody (late 2008) MacBook Pro. Here are my thoughts, in no particular order (thanks to John Holliday for getting me to write these down): Construction – Can you say “gorgeous” about a computer without […]
A Tale of Two Macs
You may have noticed that there has been precious little blogging in this space recently. That’s mostly due to spending the last few weeks trying to get my technology back in line so I could be at least halfway productive. After much gnashing of teeth and cursing the computer gods (both in Cupertino and Redmond) […]
The Ongoing Saga of WinMac – Back to Vista
For about a month now I’ve been running Windows Server 2008 on a Macbook Pro. My initial theory was that Win2k8 + Hyper-V + Macbook Pro would beat the pants off of any Vista system in terms of virtual machine performance. My experience running this configuration validates that theory – Win2k8 on this machine is […]
WinMac – The Ongoing Adventure of Running Windows Server on a Macbook Pro
I posted last week on my decision to ditch the Tablet PC platform and switch to a Macbook Pro. Unlike many others who run some flavor of Windows in conjunction with the Mac OS, I have absolutely no interest in using OS X, Y, Z or any other flavor of Jobsian operating systems. My primary […]