The SharePoint Cowboy Rides On!
Last week at SPC 2008 a long-time blog reader came up to me for a quick chat and referred to me as "The SharePoint Cowboy" when making introductions to a colleague. Now a title like that is just too catchy to pass up. So, mostly just to annoy and agitate Bob Fox (and give him even more reason to make jokes about my hat in his presentations), here’s a new way to get to this blog:
It was just too good to resist but, when you think about, is pretty descriptive of my general themes around here, so I’m going with it. Don’t worry, I won’t be changing up to a wild west skin anytime soon, but I might not be able to resist creating a cheeky logo at some point (Heather, are you listening?)!
UPDATE: Caught in the act by Nick Swan (why do I always seem to have a drink in my hand? I’m going to get a reputation worse than Bob’s!):
Oh for F… sake! Jethro
Get in line… she promised me one for my birthday 2 years ago. If you get yours before i get mine…… well it wont be a pleasant day in the DL
We are hoping that you could come up to OKC for the first meeting of the Oklahoma City SharePoint User Group (OK-SUG). We are looking at March 11th as our first choice date, but if that date doesn’t work for you, we also have March 18th as a second choice and March 4th as a third possiblity. We hope to book space at the Dell facility in OKC, but getting your availability is the first step and we are really looking foward to you coming up and talking about SP 2010.
Please let us know which date works best for you.
We are hoping that you could come up to OKC for the first meeting of the Oklahoma City SharePoint User Group (OK-SUG). We are looking at March 11th as our first choice date, but if that date doesn’t work for you, we also have March 18th as a second choice and March 4th as a third possiblity. We hope to book space at the Dell facility in OKC, but getting your availability is the first step and we are really looking foward to you coming up and talking about SP 2010.
Please let us know which date works best for you.