SharePoint UK User Group Meeting June 28th in Reading
The UK user group is back at Microsoft in Reading on June 28th. I attend quite a few community gatherings and I can tell you that the UK User Group is one of the best run nd best organized of them all. The content is always relevant and you’ll end up learning something whether you meant to or not. Be sure to get there early as there is always lots of networking going on (and stay a bit late as the meeing inevitably spills over into a local pub).
Unfortunately, I may break my string of successive SUGUK appearances as TechEd pretty much consumed all my travel time this month. But, like the actor…er…governor says, I’ll be back!
The topic this month is Groove and SharePoint. Two great tastes that taste great together. Get the full scoop here:
P.S. – If you plan to attend, keep an eye out for David Clegg and the newest member of our UK team, Mark Scarborough, from BinaryWave Limited. They’ll probably be thirsty. Really thirsty. Best to get them a pint straight away. And tell them how much you love this blog!!!
I can indeed confirm David and I will be thirsty upon our arrivale, thanks for the plug Eric!