SharePoint Best Practices UK Agenda Now Available
The agenda for the UK Best Practices conference is now online. I’m really looking forward to taking the Best Practices format for a spin over the pond. If you’re considering any SharePoint-related conferences this year, this is the one to go to. There’s just no substitute for real-world solutions presented by experts who have been there, done that.
I will be presenting the following sessions:
DE205 – Designing and Deploying Enterprise Branding Solutions using Custom Site Definitions. Tuesday, April 7th, 9:00AM
DE213 – High Performance Programming for SharePoint Developers. Wednesday, April 8th, 3:00PM.
Just a reminder – if you’re a bit new to the whole SharePoint programming thing, be sure to hit Andrew Connell’s session, DE208 – Building High Performance Solutions on Microsoft Office Server 2007, on Tuesday afternoon before attending my DE205 session. AC will cover a lot of architectural and fundamental development topics that you’ll need a primer on before my presentation. Heck, even if you’ve been doing this a while, you should still attend AC’s session – there’s some good content in there that you won’t get anywhere else.
I would encourage you to attend the Ask the Experts panels at the end the day on Tuesday. I’ll be sitting in on the Dev track so bring your toughest questions and throw them at us. With any luck we’ll have a few spirited disagreements to keep things lively (Site Definitions, anyone?).
Also, for you Admin types, Spencer Harbar and Bob Fox are doing a two-man, two-part show on Kerberos and SharePoint (IT105 and IT112). I have to admit that this is an area that consistently befuddles me on enterprise deployments so you can bet your last pint of Abbot Ale that I’ll be in their second session (and if you don’t know what Abbot Ale is, be sure to find me at the pub and buy me one so I can explain it to you).
See you in London!
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