New UK Contact Information
As it always does, the new year brings a few changes, the first of which is our official UK office move from our place in Andoversford, just outside of Cheltenham, to Bristol. The Andoversford location was convenient but not exactly a hub of commercial activity; the new digs in Bristol will bring us closer to the action on a day to day basis and give us greater capability to meet with clients, host training and community events, etc. Plus, and near the top of my list, Bristol has a dynamic nightlife and some great pubs!
Here’s the new contact information:
St. Brandons House
29 Great George Street
Bristol BS1 5QT
29 Great George Street
Bristol BS1 5QT
Phone: +44 (0)1179 200170
Fax: +44 (0)1179 200169
Email: info [at] binarywave [dot] com
Fax: +44 (0)1179 200169
Email: info [at] binarywave [dot] com
If you have any questions or need to get in touch with us, drop David Clegg a line or ring him up. Just do him a favor and don’t ask him any deep technical questions!
I resemble that remark, but in these retro days who is to say that the ability to put ferrite pegs representing a digital one in a pegboard will not make a dramatic comeback. I have no problem with technical competence it is just that my knowledge in technology is like my choice of cars, steeped, back to the 60s and 70s.
I am however having a technical problem that you may be able to assist me in. I have purchased on ebay a 1965 Feranti Argus 200 computer,(the one I trained on). It is slightly larger than your average laptop and Judith is not too pleased but I have explained that we did not really need the bedroom and lounge, the camp beds in the kithchen will be quite adequate. However, I have been trying to load the latest version of MS office on the Argus computer without success, do you think that the problem could be linked to the lack of capacity in the 32K core store memory? It is important I solve this problem because I need to have the ability to control the 8 Bloodhound ground to air missiles that I have also bid for.Your assistance would be gratefully appreciated, if you are not able to assist I am sure that the new BW partner will have the necessary degree of competence to offer a solution.
The Old Fella
PS Judith has given me the choice, it is the old computers in the house and the old cars in the drive or her, I do hope she can find a hotel at such short notice. She also believes that the missile launchers will not comply with planning regulations, some women just make too much fuss about the small things in life!
I resemble that remark, but in these retro days who is to say that the ability to put ferrite pegs representing a digital one in a pegboard will not make a dramatic comeback. I have no problem with technical competence it is just that my knowledge in technology is like my choice of cars, steeped, back to the 60s and 70s.
I am however having a technical problem that you may be able to assist me in. I have purchased on ebay a 1965 Feranti Argus 200 computer,(the one I trained on). It is slightly larger than your average laptop and Judith is not too pleased but I have explained that we did not really need the bedroom and lounge, the camp beds in the kithchen will be quite adequate. However, I have been trying to load the latest version of MS office on the Argus computer without success, do you think that the problem could be linked to the lack of capacity in the 32K core store memory? It is important I solve this problem because I need to have the ability to control the 8 Bloodhound ground to air missiles that I have also bid for.Your assistance would be gratefully appreciated, if you are not able to assist I am sure that the new BW partner will have the necessary degree of competence to offer a solution.
The Old Fella
PS Judith has given me the choice, it is the old computers in the house and the old cars in the drive or her, I do hope she can find a hotel at such short notice. She also believes that the missile launchers will not comply with planning regulations, some women just make too much fuss about the small things in life!