Modifying Grouped By Headers, Part Deux

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Modifying Grouped By Headers, Part Deux

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A while back I posted a tip about hiding grouped by headers in list views.  These are the content separators that appear at the top of a group of list items and have a +/- image for expanding/collapsing the group, the title of the group column, a colon and the group item name, like so:
+ Tasks: Testing
Many users, like myself, don’t like to see the column title in the header – they just want it to say ‘Testing’ with the expand/collapse icon.  The most effective way to hide this element is to edit the CAML for the list view as I described in the original artice (which still applies in 2007 there are just more SCHEMA.XML files to edit); however, this only works on sites created AFTER the CAML has been changed.  So what to do if you’ve already created a bunch of sites and want to correct this problem?
The easiest method (or at least the easiest that I could come up with) is to add some javascript to your master page(s) to find the offending text and hide it.  There are really two parts to this: 1) isolate and remove the anchor tag with the column title, and 2) manipulate the HTML to get rid of the separating colon.  Here’s the script:

<script type="text/javascript">

    function RemoveGroupHeader()


        var elements = document.getElementsByTagName("a");


        for(var i=0; i<elements.length; i++)


            if (elements[i].getAttribute(‘href’) == "javascript:" && elements[i].outerHTML.indexOf("ExpCollGroup") != -1)


                var text = elements[i].parentNode.innerHTML;

                var x = text.indexOf("</A> :&nbsp;");

                var y = x + 12;

                var leadingText = text.substring(0, x + 4);

                var trailingText = text.substring(y);

                elements[i].parentNode.innerHTML = leadingText + trailingText;


                if (elements[i].innerHTML.indexOf("Expand/Collapse") == -1)


                    elements[i].style.display = "none";






In a nutshell, this script loops through the collection of anchor tags on the page to find the ones which have the expand/collapse functionality.  It then strips out the colon and hides the anchor tag with the column title.  To invoke it, add it to the existing ‘onload’ function in the <body> tag of the page.  Since there is likely to already be an onload event associated with each master page, you’ll need to append the RemoveGroupHeader() function, like so:
Voila!  No more annoying column titles.  Enjoy!