Hit the SharePoint Jackpot at Dev Intersection 2013
DevIntersection is coming to Sin City! Mark your calendar for October 27th – 30th in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. DEVintersection is collaboration between Microsoft, NextGen Conference Production and .NET Rocks! It’s a unique opportunity to hear directly from industry experts who bring you their real-world experiences direct from the trenches. DEVintersection offers just the right mix of existing and new technologies, fantastic speakers, a partner expo hall, networking with the community leaders, interaction with Microsoft and industry experts. Along with the traditional technical sessions, there will also be a lot of roundtable discussions and "ask the expert" sessions, allowing you to get up and close and personal with subject matter experts in every discipline.
I’ll be presenting two sessions at the conference – one for IT Professionals and one for Developers:
From the Cluster to the Cloud: Migrating Legacy On-Premise Applications to SharePoint Online and Windows Azure (Developer)
As many organizations move away from on-premise SharePoint deployments in favor of externally hosted solutions, developers will increasingly be called upon to make legacy applications compatible with cloud-based services. In this session we will explore the various options available for creating SharePoint applications in the cloud, discuss the pros and cons of each approach, delve into the technical aspects of cloud development, and provide real-world guidance for creating an on-premise-to-cloud migration strategy.
The Day After: A Post-Deployment SharePoint Survival Guide (IT Pro)
It takes a great deal of effort to plan, design, install, configure, test and deploy SharePoint in the enterprise. But that’s only the beginning – now the real work begins. In this session you will learn how to apply proven techniques for enterprise application lifecycle management, create a center of excellence for ongoing service improvement, apply industry standards for operational support, and create a world-class delivery structure for outstanding service levels.
Be sure to check the session list for other great content from your favorite presenters, including Andrew Connell, Dan Holme, Eric Harlan, Mark Rackley, Asif Rehmani, Chris "CJ" Johnson, Jason Himmelstein, Chris McNulty, Paul Schaeflein, Cathy Dew, Jeremy Thake, Rob Windsor, Randy Williams, and even Agnes Molnar, who is coming all the way from Hungary just to present – surely you can make it to Vegas if she can!
Don’t miss out – this will be your best opportunity for deep SharePoint content this fall. They even have a professionally written letter you can send your boss. How does it get any easier than that? And, c’mon, it’s Vegas – you gotta be there!
P.S. – Follow the latest on twitter using the hashtags #devintersection and #spintersection

SmartTrack Operational Intelligence for SharePoint
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