DFW SharePoint Community Meeting August 21, 2007

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DFW SharePoint Community Meeting August 21, 2007

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The next DFW SharePoint Community meeting is being held at the Microsoft campus in Las Colinas, Texas on August 21st.  This month Matthew Ordish, a Microsoft Office Platform Technology Specialist, will discuss Office Business Applications (OBA’s).  There is a lot of cood content in this presentation that is relevant to the SharePoint Community so don’t miss it.  More details at the following link:
Also, if you haven’t done so already, register as a member of the DFW SharePoint Community site and head on over to the forums with any technical questions you might have.  Myself, Sean Skinner, and the rest of the BinaryWave team monitor these forums on a regular basis – if we don’t have the answer we’ll find someone who does. 
See you there!