DFW SharePoint Community for Developers
Over the last few months I’ve received a great deal of feedback from developers who have attended the DFW SharePoint Community meetings. They’ve mostly expressed frustration with the lack of development topics and technical deep-dives, which is understandable considering that groups of this size tend to be comprised mostly of IT professionals and end users. To address these concerns, we broke the last meeting up into subgroups based on interest – newbies, advanced users, v2 -> v3 migrations, and developers. These smaller groups were very well received and we touched on a number of good technical topics, including web part development, workflows, site definitions, features, and all the other things that can keep my yap running far into the night.
Building on the success of this effort, we are considering introducing developer break-out sessions into the monthly meeting schedule. This would give us a chance to present, in a more formal manner, custom code solutions, technical reviews, topical code examples, walkthroughs, and other types of developer-oriented information. Presentations would be short – fifteen to twenty minutes at the most – with an emphasis on group discussion and examples. If you’re a SharePoint developer in the greater Dallas/Fort Worth area (or a .NET developer interested in SharePoint) and haven’t been attending our monthly meetings due to lack of technical content, now is your chance to be heard. We’re looking for ideas to present to the group as well as people who have custom solutions (or just some nifty code samples) that they would like to talk about. Please post a comment here or in the Development forums and let us know your thoughts. We’ll include the break-out session topics along with the regular meeting agenda each month so you’ll know in advance if there’s something on tap that grabs your attention (but really, don’t you want to come anyway just to get some tips from other codeheads? I thought so!).
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